Sample Post as Event Flyer

CLAS Conference for Administrative Excellence

Wednesday, June 5
8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Storrs Hall, Rooms WW01 and WW16
UConn Storrs

The day will feature large group sessions on high-impact topics, small group breakout sessions, and lunch. Previous session topics included travel processing, organizing electronic files, accounts payable, websites, and social media.

Keynote Speaker

Jonathan XV, UConn Mascot

Jonathan XV was born April 19, 2023, and was publicly introduced two months later at a UConn Board of Trustees meeting as a ball of fluffy charm, with brilliant blue eyes in a face with markings that mirror the Husky logo.

jonathan the husky mascot

RSVP by Monday, June 3

For questions or if you require an accommodation, please contact