About Us
Use this space for a page introduction. This section is optional. Limit text in this section to a couple sentences. If a page requires a longer introduction, remove this row and use the row below it.
Our Priorities
Include a brief overview of your department's teaching and education. Suggestions: What degree programs do you offer? What courses and/or hands-on learning experiences do you offer? How do you use technology or other innovations in the classroom? What types of concepts do you expect students to learn? What applied skills will students gain from your program(s)? What advising resources are available to students?

Include a brief overview of your research and scholarship. Suggestions: What are some of your department's areas of strength? How many researchers and/or research labs are housed in your department? What are some of the activities your department prioritizes? How are students involved in research? How do your researchers engage with the public (e.g. through media coverage, speaking engagements, professional organizations, and events)?

Include a brief overview of your department's community impact. Suggestions:What is your academic community like on campus? (Think of seminar series, guest speakers, clubs and organizations, etc.) How do students in your program(s) engage with internal and external communities (e.g. through internships, field courses, service learning, and education abroad)? Does your department host any community outreach events? How do your researchers engage the community through their work?